[Fanart + Drabble] Today's Big Scoop

Apr 10, 2011 19:05

Title: Today's Big Scoop
Artist: couryielle  
Summary: Amelia Jones, a famous young American actress, was missing in action. What were the odds of her ending up across the sea, several hundreds of miles away from America, in the flat of some unknown British librarian?
Warnings: Anatomy, clothes physics... basically everything fails hurr.
Notes: Frick. The scanner murdered my art ;A;  I can't see the shadowings I made anymore adkjfhalsfhlsdfffff
Anyway, inspired by Notting Hill and drawn for the usxuk  Sweethearts Week Event, Day 2 (Pop Culture Shock)
Words: 277


"Amelia Jones' hideout has been discovered!" Newspaper triumphantly told his boss.

"Really?" the boss replied incredulously. Amelia Jones, one of the most famous and promising young American actresses of today, had been reported missing since last week. Many believe she had run away, perhaps from being unable to handle the criticism from her last film or a big bad breakup with her long-time showbiz boyfriend, no one knew for sure. All 50 states had been combed in search of her, without any luck. Who'd have thought she would be on good old Notting Hill?

"And that's not all," Newspaper sang, obviously not done with his victory yet. "She didn't stay in a hotel or inn. Amelia was discovered in some dude's apartment."

The boss suddenly stood up with shock and excitement. "Then what are you still doing here?" he cried. "Get your ass out there and cover this news! Why, I never..." and he slumped back down to his chair as Newspaper bolted out the room. He opened the largest, bottom-most drawer on his desk and lifted a huge box from underneath a heavy pile of papers and folders. It was a box full of Amelia Jones memorabilia and pictures from every movie and show she had ever starred in.

"...well," he sighed disappointedly. "To think I thought I had a chance when news of your breakup arose..."


...I have no idea where the fanboy boss suddenly came from ._.

w: fanfiction, p: america/england, w: drabble, c: fem!america, c: england, w: fanart, f: axis powers hetalia

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