Nov 10, 2006 19:07
So tonight Chrissy, Kylie and myself are going to see a midnight showing of the Buffy musical in the city. HOW FREAKIN' AWESOME IS THAT?!?!?
Yes, of course, after all this time, why has Chelsea decided to update now?
I have no idea.
1) College is... school. That's all I have to say. I love the people. I'm friends with everyone in my classes (all the same people, we're part of a block) but we don't talk much out of school.
2) I'm stage managing the second time for a show there. That is fun. I like the backstage people there more than the actors sometimes but I do miss the stage. Musical is in the Spring.
3) I have a boyfriend. He's 21 and goes to Purchase. It's a crazy thing if you know me for me to have a boyfriend. That's pretty cool.
And those are the high lights. I'm glad everyone is well!