It rained like mad today, then cleared to an amazing pink before the sun set.
I have been doing a bit of coding, for the first time in a long while: various bits of functionality for the Shop: reporting, mostly. It's remarkable how you forget, and then pick it up again: I've gone from clumsily googling for basic functions to cheerfully writing quite long sections before I test the code actually works. I am still slowly running down most of my website work to other providers, with the aim of focussing more on the Shop.
I keep meaning to photograph some of the things I've drawn recently, then not getting around to it till the light has gone: autumn is fading in properly now, though last weekend was very warm. The temperature when I went swimming at Hazelbeach on Sunday was 17 degrees. The pontoon is still out there, though the one at Dale has already been taken in for the winter.