
Jun 10, 2023 22:34

t feels like there's been brilliant sunshine for months. I think surely, it must have rained a couple of times in May? But certainly, most of the time it has been sunny, and increasingly, hot and dry.

All the doors and windows have been open to let the breezes through, and these last two weeks or so, we have been using that most un-British item, a portable airconditioning unit, and I have been whizzing around watering the plants. I hope there was enough rain to replenish the waterbutts.

The oxeye daisies are in full bloom, as are the red and pink valerians. The aquilegia is nearly over. I didn't plant the valerian, it volunteered, but it makes such a colourful display that I'm not inclined to consider it a weed, and the same applies to the aquilegia, which appeared this year in a wide range of purple-blues.

Nenya the white cat has found a comfortable spot that catches the last of the sun, though really the last week it's been more a matter of hiding from the sun than basking.

She's still not talking to Fankil, and Fankil is not talking to her. Starting to think they are going to have to live separate lives forever.

But still, today it rained, and this evening is cooler though we still have the doors open to let the warm out.


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