I have to admit to scepticism about this. I grew up in North Devon from 1982, and lived two parishes away from Combe Martin. North Devon is not a place where a lot happens. We visited Combe Martin regularly. We read the local paper, in fact we read both of them, even when the main story was about a goose or something.
Hunting of the Earl
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A lot of the biggest events in the folk calendar are post-1980 revivals of genuine old local celebrations that died out - or were banned - in Victorian times, and this sounds like another. From the account of an observer in 1837, it sounds like a glorified pub crawl - 9 pubs, apparently, with most of the participants "pretty well done for" by the third. Sounds remarkably similar to many such festivals today. :-)
I don't know whether to be pleased or disappointed. :-D
On my recent work trip to the Seychelles, while chatting to a local, she explained that people in the different districts of Mahe (the main island) had their own specific customs and turns of speech, unnoticeable to foreigners, but making their home district immediately obvious to other Seychellois. The island of Mahe is 163 kilometres square.
I remember an old gent from our village going to Plymouth and coming back reporting that he had been to Vurrin Parts.
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