Yesterday, I was efficient! I got up early! I found a young collie x dalmatian to exhaust the Big Puppy as they ran madly in the lovely sunshine! I did plenty of work! I did some work-related reading to help me improve my skills! I hoovered the house! I paid bills! I voted in the new Police and Crime Commissioner elections (I am dubious about the creation of these posts, but was able to find a candidate that I felt was worth voting for, so did).
Today, I overslept, got up to find a cat had pooed on the floor and a magpie had stolen the milk, and that the weather was cold and wet and foggy. I then dropped my cafetiere on the floor, breaking it comprehensively, and cut myself on the pieces when picking them up. I bled everywhere, and discovered that I had at some point broken my emergency backup cafetiere and therefore would have to drink coffee out of coffee bags. I am now overdue to walk the dogs and am instead sitting here livejournalling.
Here are photos of flying dogs from yesterday. Yesterday was in every way superior to today: can I please re-order a yesterday?