Firebreathing dragon cake!

May 07, 2012 14:46

It was philmophlegm's birthday yesterday.   I thought it would be nice to make him a birthday cake.  And then I thought, would it not be even nicer to make him a cake that was a GOLDEN FIRE DRAGON???

The body was basically two chocolate cakes cut into dragon-shapes. Then I realised that I didn't have quite enough cake for the head, so I made a chocolate mug-cake, which had the advantage of being relatively long and thin so it made a muzzle shape. But I think possibly it would have looked better if I'd had enough cake spare to give it a longer neck. On the other hand, it might have been less stable that way and would definitely not have fitted in the fridge.

I was a bit worried that the chocolate fudge icing wouldnt' set enough to hold the shape together, but it was quite stiff after a few hours, and worked well to stick the various bits of cake together. I flung the first lot of chocolate fudge on, then left it in the fridge to set for a bit before adding more fudge detailing on the eyebrowse, wings, tail etc.   Then I spray painted the whole thing with edible gold paint.  I'm not sure about that last bit, it might have looked more cake-y and edible if I'd just left it brown.

The treasures were lemon sponge cakes, spray painted gold with edible gold paint, and decorated with chopped up jelly diamonds. Jelly diamonds also make good eyes, and red linings for the dragon's nose.  The teeth and claws were made from a 17p Milkybar.  A 17p milkybar is ideal for the job, because it's so thin that it's easy to chop into pointy sherds.  The remains of the pointy sherds were spray painted gold and added to the Treasure.

I originally thought of making the dragon facing forward rather than looking up. But I had to change the plan abruptly while buying cake decorations - so I could make it do THIS!

You might think the best weapon for tackling a dragon would be a sword or something, but I can vouch for the fact that when it comes to chocolate fudge dragons, a cake fork is just the job.

birthday, cake, holidays, fireworks

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