It doesn't pander to the slow of reading, it gets straight to the point. It's clever in how it tells a story, and it showcases a clever technology that really does something, while simultaneously requiring no complexity in the technology that does the marketing.
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Comments 7
It just seems to me that most TV adverts now just say, "Buy this, it's great, and it will [insert ridiculous claim here]." There's precious little wit and humour around. However, I'm quite prepared to accept that:
- someone has found that while wit and humour make your audience laugh, the boring approach works best for sales
- All the best adverts avoid the 10 a.m. slot on the Sci Fi Channel like the plague.
- All the cool kids play online now, and TV adverts are so 20th century.
- I view the adverts of yore through rose-tinted spectacles, remembering only the Carling Black Labels of the world, and forgetting all the thousands of dull ones.
Also, I am clearly *still* full of emotional hormones, 'cause I admit to tearing up a bit >_< Mind you, the last Oxo family advert did for me every time, so I guess I'm a lost cause...
Being able to do that with just text and a soundtrack shows its cunningness.
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