It's Over

Jun 01, 2008 10:24

It's over!! So so happy! And I'll admit there was a little bit there that I didn't know if I was gonna finish. Who knew that my second grade vocabulary word 'perseverance' would still mean so much this many years later. Some of my joy is in being able to rub the fact that I didn't quit in Captain Asshole's [code name] face. Graduation was pretty cool too, especially since some of my favorite fd guys came. =)

Much to my displeasure I experienced--a few troublesome situations. Enough that I'm kind of wondering if I still want this careerpath.
I was naive in thinking that being a minority wasn't a big deal. AND it shouldn't be, not if you're in a good department, right? And here's the ironic thing, my trouble didn't really come from my teammates in class but from the instructors! Actually, I got along great with my teammates, they treated me like one of them and were really good about not singling me out. And of course the one jerk out of the class that nobody liked was the person that got the "class captain" award. When we heard that you could see all of us shaking our heads.

fire academy

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