My separating mission continues, I have a set of skirts and a set of tops for you. This time a little less granny-ish than my usual clothes xD
The top is separated from a H&M outfit and mashed with the basegame t-shirt. It works with high waisted skirts and pants as well as bottom only dresses. The skirt is separated from a NL outfit and paired up with Sentate's Emma boots. The skirts comes in three solid colors and four plaid textures, they all have the red shoe texture because red shoes are awesome. Both meshes has fat morphs.
Credits tops: EAxis for mesh parts and the texture I started from, CuriousB for color actions.
Credits skirts: EAxis for mesh parts, Sentate for the shoes, Sedma at deviantART for plaid patterns and CuriousB for color actions.
Top swatch
Skirt swatch
here for Trapping's repository teen versions :)