Groins, The Clash, and Tights Not Leggings

Mar 31, 2006 20:47 was interesting. The first event of the day was Ashley. I gave her my footless tights to borrow for Footloose, and I guess she put them on and wore them to homeroom. The only problem was, she didn't wear anything over them. Someone told her that they were see-through, and she put her gym shorts over them. Today at lunch we were discussing it, and everyone kept calling them leggings so I said, "Uh, Ashley, those were TIGHTS not leggings" and everyone cracked up. At the end of school on the close of school announcments, Mr. Breene was talking about how the weather is getting warmer and the clothes are getting, (and I quote) "skankier". It was HILARIOUS. Yay for Mr. Breene!

When I finished my first ballet class today, I was about ready to die. I was thinking that there was no way that I was going to dance for another two hours. Thankfully I survived. But I found out that I pulled my groin. No lie. I've been feeling something weird for the last week but I asked Cheryl today and she diagnosed it as that. She told me to ice it. o_O Also, that chunch of skin that I ripped off my big toe? Yeah, she seemed concerned about it. She told me to put Neosporin on that so it doesn't get infected. Yummy!

I also recived my Video iPod today! I need to find the camera because I want to take a picture of me with it for my myspace. The video quality is actually very good. I'm pleased. They sent me a new pair of headphones too, which is good since my old ones had things sort of popping out. My cover thing is black too, I don't know why. All of the other ones I've seen are white. Oh well, I like mine better. My iPod is SO shiny!

Oh yeah, one more thing. Nico, well, I've been wondering about him lately. Well, today I told him that I was going to Footloose tomorrow at the later show, and what? He tells me after school that he got tickets to the later show on Saturday. It's funny. The weird thing is, I don't like him. Not like that. But I've been wondering for so long why no one likes me, and then boom, he's there. And I don't like him. After all the wining and complaining about why no guy in the world has ever looked at me like that, I'm wishing that it was someone else. But since I haven't had this privlage before, if he ever DID ask me out, I think I would have to say yes, just because I feel bad and think that he's the best chance I get.

leggings, nico, ipod, ballet, skanks, pulled groin, boys

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