The total mean mass of theEarth's atmosphere is 5.1×1018 kg.
Fraction of this which is CO2: 400 ppm (by volume)
Assume ideal, perfect gases, etc, etc.
Mass of CO2 in atmosphere: 2×1015 kg. (1)
Estimated (2005-06) total coal reserves: 905 GT = 9×1014 kg.
Multiply by (12/14) * (44/12) to convert hydrocarbon (CH2)n to CO2: 2.8 ×1015 kg.
Ratio to current CO2 atmosphere mass (1): 1.4
Current human CO2 generation rate: 21GT/year = 2.1×1013 kg/year
Conclude: it is certainly possible to double current atmospheric CO2, and then some, if we try hard enough.
For example, at the current human CO2 generation rate: 21GT/year ( = 2.1×1013 kg/year) this would take 43 years, i.e. until 2060. IPCC scenarios extend to 2100, and project CO2 concentration ranges from 490 to 1,260 ppm in that year.
Corrections welcomed.´s_atmosphere