(no subject)

Aug 15, 2007 19:59

coffeechica has finally given a (semi)official apology for her comments regarding pro-anorexia communities here. Now if only the rest of the LJ staff would take their cue from her like burr86 ...

You must all go read Alligator Alley by katjad RIGHT NOW. Besides the fact that it has a devil alligator, it also has PUDGY DEAN. And, okay, that might not be a turn-on for some people, but I LOVE normalized characters, and this is just a;kjasdlkfjlksadfj :D And after you read that, you have to run over to read Jensen Ackles: Bigger, Boned by mijmeraar which is about pudgy!Jensen! :D Clearly, what fandom wants, fandom gets.

seviet winz HP fandom art, AGAIN. (DH spoilers)

harry potter, recs, supernatural

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