I just watched 2x20, and ...

May 05, 2007 16:04

Oh, Dean.

It's kind of strange, because we typically think of Sam as being the one who is so reluctant to be a hunter, who wants to have a "normal" life, etc. But we (or at least I) never seem to consider the fact that DEAN is just as much a reluctant hero. I mean, he takes to it better, but I think part of that is because he's a natural people-pleaser, so he took to hunting to make his dad happy. He would have been just as likely to become a mechanic if that's what made John happy, you know?

Anyway, this episode made me want to write schmoopy, post-episode Sam/Dean I-love-you-so-much-I-gave-all-that-up-for-you sex. :D


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