You guys are breakin' my heart ...

Feb 15, 2007 22:09

MORE BOBBY!!! ♥♥♥♥♥ Seriously, all gay jokes and bed-wrestling aside? Bobby was totally my favorite part of this episode. I love that they're starting to bring him on regularly, because he's probably my favorite reoccurring guest. From his initial "What the hell is the matter with you two?" to the final "You guys are breakin' my heart, could we please just leave?" I LOVED his role in this episode.

So, moving on from Bobby!love, I gotta say, this episode is probably the most entertaining of the season thusfar. I was laughing CONSTANTLY, it was seriously like crack!fic brought to life. I loved the fact that they started in the middle and did flashbacks from the boys' perspectives of the past week ...and, OH MY GOD, the differing perspectives was FANTASTIC! Jensen and Jared did great jobs of playing exaggerated versions of their characters. Sam being all bitchface + gay voice + blahblahblah, and Dean with a slutty bimbo and his face stuffed full of food ...IT WAS GREAT. It's some of the best fic-fodder I've seen in a while, simply in that it gives us a tiny peek at how the boys sometimes view each other ...because, let's face it, if you spend that much time in enclosed spaces with another person, you're going to get annoyed with certain aspects of their personality. Also, I LOVED Sam airing his grievances when he thought Dean had stolen his laptop, talking about Dean leaving his dirty socks in the sink and his gross, evolving food in the fridge. :D There were so many little personality quirks brought out in this episode, and I loved. it. all.

And let's not forget the BED WRESTLING. With Sam TOTALLY HUMPING Dean. XD

And then the crazy case, and LMAO, Sam and Dean's faces when they guy was talking about being anal probed "again and again ... and again, and then one more time."

You can totally tell that Jensen and Jared had a great time filming this ep. How could you not, with all that crazyness? But it definitely let you see aspects of acting abilities that aren't usually within the scope of Dean and Sam. :)

Can anyone tell me if I'm okay to read that Kripke interview everyone's been talking about? Did it have episode spoilers or season spoilers?

tv, supernatural

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