(no subject)

Feb 04, 2007 22:40

Guitar Hero is officially the most annoying thing ever. I have heard Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Free Bird" blasted through the apartment complex about fifteen times in the past half-hour. MAKE IT STOP.

I'm also feverishly working on my resume, because Family Friend is e-mailing some folks up at Kennedy Space Center to try to find me a summer job, and I DON'T EVEN HAVE A RESUME YET WTF? This is especially difficult because I can't even remember half the awards I've received since I've been in college, which means I have to go digging through stacks of papers to find them, and everything's all disorganized ... *moan.*

Argh, stress. Why can't I just write fic for a living? *headdesks.*

engineering is teh sux0rs

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