Dec 18, 2005 22:04
dayum yo.
i busted my lip an hour ago thanks to miter woman beater michael!
yeah he elbowed me in the mouth when he and i were getting off the stairs and yes.. still drinking blood.. and its gross.
uhh chelsea crew... DISGUSTING! :/ ew.
they all ditched me anyway..
i bought two new books like i said i would and im excited to start reading them..
well one of them ive read 5 times but i still bought it..
i clept'ed one shirt [evergreenterrace]
nick got one for me [ mindless self indulgence]
and also a misfits one.
i saw enrique briefly he looks like shit all over again [his hair]
i want to date him.. [but he doesnt -he's of course.. done-]
i dont know man.
but shit goes really horribly for a couple of minutes then it gets so awesome
i got to chill with mike suarez for a while which was so fucking great he and i got to catch up on a lot.. just he and i and damn thats been a while.. got to go over some old ass inside jokes.. :D haha
and then i ran into some guys that graduated last year from CPS so it was a little reunion of some sort. :]
wwaayy sweettt.
but not my lame ass is going to watch TV and hope for a phone call from someone.