Many years ago, a good friend was telling me about the time she and her brothers were moving their recently widowed mother from the house they grew up in to a condo. Two of my friend's's brothers were moving the mattresses their mother and father had had for years and as my friend took off the bedding, exposing lots of stains, one of her brothers said, "wow, look at all the brothers and sisters we could have had!".
We never really think of our parents having sex. When I was a kid, it was understood that the number of times our parents "did it" equaled the number of kids they had. My dad, my oldest half sister and I once had a conversation about how squicky it was to think of your parents having sex. My dad didn't understand our reaction until we told him to think about his parents. Then he got it. Of course my sister and I got squicked out all over again.
The reason I bring all this up is because of my grandmother. She passed away back in March and I flew back to Oklahoma for her funeral. One of the days before the funeral, we were over at her house, going through things to see what needed to be saved and what could go to charity or could be thrown away. We were all in what was my grandmother's bedroom, looking at boxes of letters and pictures and stuff when my aunt stumbled upon an envelope of pictures tucked away in a dresser drawer. We heard a gasp and then a short scream and then laughter.
First I will tell you that my grandmother and grandfather (whom I adored), divorced in the early 70's. My grandmother married "Bud" a month or two later. My grandmother was in her early 50's at the time and Bud was maybe a year or two older. Bud passed away in 1997 and my grandmother never really got over it. Even up to a couple of years ago, she sign cards with both her and Bud's name and she always included his name on the return address. We're pretty sure that was part of the reason she gave up at the end; she wanted to be with Bud again.
So back to my aunt's reaction. In addition to my aunt me, my mom, my cousin were also in the room. We turn around to see what was wrong and my aunt burst out laughing. In that embarrassed, bring the brain bleach kind of way. You've probably guessed already but what she found were grandma and Bud nudie pics. They were Polaroids taken on their honeymoon and they exposed parts of my grandmother and Bud that I never needed to see. But it was hilarious at the same time. I mean, when you put it into context, they were in their early 50's and obviously having a good time. But at the same time, these are your grandparents! Nana and Papa. Ew.
Our biggest dilemma was what to do with the pictures. Bud's daughters seemed to think their father had accumulated a large fortune, which he left to my grandmother (he left some money but it wasn't even close to a small fortune). He also left money to his daughters but they wanted more and felt they were entitled to what he left to my grandmother. Words and accusations were exchanged. The court said no, they weren't entitled to anything more than what was in the will. Two of the daughters accepted it, one did not but despite all that my grandmother still kept in touch with at least one of the daughters so there was no doubt they hadn't already been in the house, going through stuff and they'd be back after we left. The last thing my aunt wanted was for those pics to fall into their hands. So it was decided by all of us that the pictures should go to the grave with my grandmother. We all knew without a doubt that's what she would have wanted. So after we all said our good-byes, my aunt went up to the casket and slipped them under the coverlet. I'm pretty sure this is a memory we'll be laughing about for quite some time.