All Good Things...

Feb 28, 2010 22:27

Today is the 28th and the last day of this month-long blogging assignment. On one hand I'm glad it's over because finding the time more than the subject matter has been a pain. But I'm definitely glad I did it. It's allowed me to remember some very good moments in my past and it's made me realize that despite what I think about the here and now, I have done a lot in my life. And I want to do more. I've resolved that this year I will take at least two days off a month--more if I can swing it.

I have a very good friend a couple of hours away who used to have the same stressful work issues that I have only I think hers were even worse. She was a state employee and retired last year after putting in 25 years. I'm very happy for her (and a little envious) but I'm also happy for me because now we can make plans to get together more. We're already making plans for Monterey in the Fall and I can't wait!

I've still got a few blogs left in me but they won't be an every day kind of thing. And when NaBloPoMo rolls around in November, I hope a lot of you will take part. I plan to and I'm dragging unwrittenkitten along with me. But now that it's done, maybe I can start fic writing again. I've got the story all laid out but I can't seem to get it out of my head and onto the screen.

I'm glad the Olympics are over. I'm ready for my TV viewing to be back to normal. I'm ready for original episodes of CSI--even if we'll only get two before it goes to repeats again. I'm ready for NHL hockey to resume. This is me being all about routine. Part of my Sunday routine is The Amazing Race. I've said this before and I'll say it again: I LOVE the Cowboys! Those two guys represent what's good about Oklahoma. I hope they win.

Oh, and one last thing. Someone asked me once where my LJ name came from so I thought I'd share. No, I'm not a wine fan, although I do like a good Pinot or Chiraz. I am an Avengers fan. And anyone who knows Steed, knows he loves the grapes. Bunches of them.


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