Remember when Jim Brass had hair?

Feb 09, 2010 23:59

I finally watched last week's CSI episode. I can't believe it took me so long. I remember when I would look forward to Thursday's episode. Now it gets bumped in favor of hockey and I forget that I even recorded it. But I still love Brass and as long as PG is on the show, I'll continue to watch. And wish he'd grow his hair out. Seriously. The buzzcut has to go. More on this later.

Every time we see Brass' office, there's less and less stuff on his desk. Should we be worried about this? Is it a sign that over in the corner is the box with Ellie's picture, and his medal, and the LVPD coffee mug?

Still, Brass is in his sparse office talking to bereaved mom. He's very nice when he talks to bereaved parents. He's got kind of a Simon Cowell thing going on sometimes. Very snarky one minute, very sweet the next.

Brass then gets to do cop stuff. Imagine that. They actually let him go and interview a suspect. On his own. Without CSI there to protect him to show him how it's down. I hope homicide cops everywhere are watching. They could learn something from this. Oh, and we actually get to see Jim laugh. Jim doesn't laugh very much any more. Neither does Simon Cowell. Just sayin...

Did anyone notice the random homicide detective extra standing off to the side, doing nothing while CSI leads the investigation? Of course you didn't. No one but me watches this stupid show any more.

Jim chews gum. Then he takes it out of his mouth and sticks it under the table. And leaves it there. Gross.

Brass is a genius at getting a confession. Love the way he goes all flat and cold and tells the uni to cuff the girl, knowing full well that her guardian uncle dude would confess. Genius, I say! I was kinda shocked actually that they let Brass do that all by himself because lately, the CSI's do it all.

And then there's the hair. Paul really, really, really needs to let his hair grow out. Like he did over the summer break. Sure there's a little less of it but summer break hair was good. Season 10 hair, not so much. Recently I caught a couple of episodes from S4. Can I just say that while I've always thought there was something infinitely cute and sexy about PG, S4 he was at his smokin' best! And what's the driver behind his hotness? His hair. Seriously, for a guy who suffered through some very bad hair advice at times, he nailed it in S4.

While I'm on the subject of S4, can I just say how very sad it makes me to watch those old episodes compared to what we have now. Yeah, I get it that Grissom left but what's missing is more than that. It's like the writers have lobotomized the characters and now they are just a shell of what they were. If the writers from S4 had written Grissom's goodbye, Gil and Jim wouldn't have acted like they barely knew each other. In the episode I saw, Brass comes strolling into Grissom's office and asks "Gil" what he's doing after work. You know, because maybe they might go hang out. And Brass is in the lab all the time. He's getting coffee in the breakroom, he's hanging out in Grissom's office or walking with Catherine like he's actually interested in talking, not like he's racing to a fire. Watching these S4 episodes definitely made me realize how much these writers have killed Brass and his sense of humor. Maybe PG is playing it as Brass is a changed man since he got shot (I doubt the writers remember Brass was shot) but there was something so much lighter and outgoing about Brass. I want that Brass back.

The last thing that struck me about S4 was the flirtiness between Jim and Catherine. This is followed by S5 where Brass and Catherine barely acknowledge each other. In S6 we get lots of Brass/Sofia goodness followed by S7 where Brass has maybe two scenes with Sofia (actually there's a lot that could be made of this). At the end of S9 we get another hint of Brass and Catherine and now I wonder if they remember that they've been friends for a long time. It's like the writers realize they are pushing two characters together and then they do a complete 180 and head in the other direction. Sometimes, okay, most times, I really hate this show. And still I watch.

Oh, and just because I know you all would be severely disappointed if I didn't mention snow, we're getting hit with a classic Nor'easter and that means a blizzard. And another 10-16" of snow. This winter is not for sissies.

csi, snow, brass

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