If I'd known there was going to be so much Brass goodness in this episode, I would have watched it sooner. This was an excellent surprise!
When we first see Jim, he's practically doing the pee pee dance. He's got a DB and no CSI and he's irritated. And when they finally do show up, he's wondering if everyone is moving in slow motion.
Btw, when you watch CSI with a retired cop, it's like traveling through their old patrol grounds and having them point out all the crimes committed. Only this time it's all the errors. CSI is full of them. And if one of the writers of this show ever gets murdered, I suspect the homicide detective that shows up to investigate is going to say "let the CSI do it" and then nothing will happen. Except the evidence will get picked up and processed. They really do insult cops and detectives on this show.
Nick gets the line before the credits. Has that ever happened before?
Brass standing next to Catherine = <3 <3 <3. I love the expressions on his face and for a minute, I thought he had his arm around her instead of just behind her.
Brass looks like he's jamming to the music. Catherine is amused. PG is very animated in this episode. He can't seem to stand still. Maybe he's got the jimmy legs.
And Nick didn't have to tell Jim his plan. Jim just seemed to know what it was. Jim's been doing this for a while and he has a daughter in the business and an ex girlfriend in vice. Jim knows ho's.
Holy crap! That female jail guard has a Manitou growing on her ear! Seriously, a little person is going to pop out of that thing.
Jim and Ray (new OTP) are hanging out in the Dodge testosterone-mobile (hint: it's not a Taurus). Ray is taking pics and asking Jim if any judges owe him a favor. Jim says everyone owes him a favor. Hmmm....
When the cops break down the door and Jim enters I have to laugh. He enters like royalty and booms LVPD. He's not a big guy but he's got enormous presence.
Jim walks in wearing a windbreaker. Jim looks hot in a windbreaker, especially when part of it is tucked behind his gun. And then we say a special prayer: thank you Dear Lord Baby Jesus for giving us the very elusive Brass ass shot. Yes, I admit that I watched this scene no less than six times. Don't judge me.
And then, in an unprecedented moment, we actually get Brass backstory. It's like Christmas in November. We find out that Brass went into the family business too. Brass's uncle was a cop and Brass's OLDER brother became a cop. I like the idea that Brass has an older brother. Wonder if this would be the one he knocked through the screen door when they were kids or if he has more brothers. Brass tells the pimp that if he's gone into the pimp's family business, Brass would be a sorry ass sleazeball pimp like him. Pimp calls Brass 'Playa'. That made me giggle. I like the guy who played the pimp.
It always amuses me when they show Brass holding a pic and it's not his fingers. This happened at least twice.
Love, love, love that Brass gets to be a cop all by himself. Not one CSI in sight (well, not at that moment). He walks up behind Romo Lampkin teaching a class in his bad Russian accent and leans casually against a railing. Jim knows Nabokov. He explains that he's not vice, he's homicide. Kids go from looking unimpressed at big, bad cop to worried at the mention of homicide. Kids scatter when Brass says class dismissed. Jim looks good in the blue suit. Jim mocks Russian guy by answering with Russian accent, which is better than supposed Russian guy's.
I think PG had a great time with this episode. It definitely shows in his scenes. I also think that while LF has been trying to flesh out Langston, the others have been trying to figure out how their characters should react to him--beyond what's in the script. Brass has been shoved into the background for so long, he'd gotten a little stale. This season seems to have given him new life. And with all these tidbits they keep throwing in, I'm becoming a little optimistic that we might get something on Ellie.
Oh, and yeah, I kind forgot about the other parts of the episode. Girl disappears, girl is seen in Vegas. Girl gets text from Langston about how mom will still love her, girl finds Langston. Yada, yada, yada, hugging and crying ensues.