Watching CSI a day late isn't nearly as fun as watching it when it airs. But the sister was in town and last night was the first chance all week I've had to see her. Work is sucking the life out of me right now. Another week to go and I'll get a little breathing room. Can't complain too much because I do love the massive pricing exercise I'm doing right now but we're on a very compressed schedule, I'm the Subject Matter Expert for the database we're using, and there are a lot of new people using it. They are very clingy people.
Anyway, this was one of those quality over quantity episodes that us Brass fans have gotten used to seeing. What we saw was excellent: loved every scene with Brass and Skaggs (I used to work at a grocery story called Skaggs) but Brass getting hit on by the guy was hilarious. And yeah, "where would I pin the badge" is classic.
Nice to know Brass recognizes Gil is the patient one when it comes to uncooperative suspects. Of course Brass is obviously the most well-adjusted character on the show, especially after having a crack-whore daughter, killing a guy, getting shot and losing a CSI-friend. It's apparent he's in touch with his inner-Brass.
Looks like they are catching up to real time. I noticed the date on one of the iPhones they were heavily pimping was 10/23/08.
I kind of like Riley. It'll be interesting to see her snark with Brass. And to think she could have been played by Katee Sackoff.
Brass has the best phone voice. Period
I don't like Vartann. I haven't liked him since "Big Middle" and I don't like that he takes screen time away from Brass. I'm sure I won't like any of the other detectives taking time away from him either. Sofia, however, would get a pass if she ever shows up again. But that's easy to say because apparently she's not showing up ever again.
Did anyone see "Pushing Daisies" last week? Father Mulcahy? Sister Christian? I about wet myself laughing. It took me an episode or two to really get back into the flow but this is one of the most clever and sweet shows on TV.
So this Brass/Annie fic that I've been trying to write for the last year? Not going any where. Most of it is due to the aforementioned work stress but it's starting to frustrate me. I want to finish it for a variety of reasons (mostly because I'm kind of sick of talking about it) but when I have this monster project hanging over my head, I just can't seem to focus on writing. I'm really, really glad I didn't jump the gun and start posting this thing.