American Idol, songs from commercials, Vegas, and other stuff.
It's been a week since I had to put Emma to sleep. I still really miss her, mostly at night and I swear a couple of times I've heard her meow. But the other two have definitely filled the void. I sort of thought they would though.
Lately, I've been on a quest to find a couple of songs used in commercials. One is from the Liberty Mutual commercial in which people observe others doing good deeds for others and then they do something good. If anyone is interested, the song is called "Half Acre" and you can find it here
Hem The other song is from a JC Penney commercial of all things. I used my Google Fu and found out the song is called "How Can It Be" and the group is called Forever Thursday. You can find it
here I'm having a deep hate for Antonella Barba on American Idol. Besides the general dislike of the fact that the AI idiots are keeping her after they booted Frenchie Davis a few years ago, she's just a bad singer. Wedding Bells, the show that premiered after IA, is pretty good. I could get into it. Bummed to find it's moving to Fridays though.
We got our tickets for Vegas and a rental car booked. It's a Hummer 2 or 3, not sure which. I wanted a convertible but it wasn't big enough for our luggage. Based on all the excellent feedback, we're going to see "O" and for the hotel, it's looking like it will be The Venetian. Thanks to all who had some input!
Last thing, check out the big icon post by
inamberclad. She has lots of Brass awesomeness, some very hot Paul Guilfoyle, and some lovely BSG. What are you waiting for? Go! Look!