Here is house the Wilds are living in. I shall show.....the inside!
It was taken just after Robin's death and before Jack's death XD
First level.
Second level.
Entrance hallway.
Hallway on left of entrance hallway.
Benjamin and Markl's bedroom (it used to be Jack and Robin's)
TV room (or technology room or whatever)
Kitchen and dining.
(Random trivia: that house you can see from the slide doors is the house Edgar currently lives in with his family)
Entrance hall from the dining area.
"Living room". Featuring Markl, who is looking out the window after piano, and a puddle.
Another shot of the living room. Featuring Fanny, Hareton and Uma if you squint.
Downstairs bathroom (featuring Ben's head at the bottom)
Skills building room (with Jack).
It used to be Isabella's room when she a child.
Pet room (it used to be gen. 2 toddler room)
Upstairs! Cram area.
Another view of the same place.
Lettie and Fanny's room.
Jack's room now that Robin is gone.
(After Jack died, this became Fanny's pottery room.)
Bathroom shared by the girls and Jack's room.
Oh, and featuring Jake checking himself out.
Upstairs corridor (it looks so plain....)
Jake and Justin's room.
It looks really empty because all the boys used to cram in this room.
Master bedroom (Hareton and Uma)
Hi Lettie!
Master bedroom ensuite.
Outside, where I shove all the career rewards.
And for the end, the backyard!
30 pics under the cut.