WOOT! On fourth generation! =D
Last time:
2. All the Hareton-made robots keep breaking.
3. Fanny is heir.
4. I have generation 4! Annabelle and Alyce Wild!
So..since when did sloppy sim autonomously make their own beds?
Ira: *snuggles Fanny
Fanny: User_XXXX? Is that you?
Annabelle: Halp...
Hareton: Hey Catalina! I know we heven't talked since college...guess what! I have GRANDKIDS! And you are still stuck at college!
Newborn birthdays (I know! Already! *wink)
Okay. Must delete all those awful CC.
Annabelle makeover,
Alyce (cookies to those who has recognised where these names come from!)
How cute are they??
Ira: ZOMG. THERE'S A PHONE. In the patient. I'm going to be fired!
Me thinks he's better off in showbiz than medicine!
Alyce: I dream of....clyndrical object with milk!
Dang it. The downstairs clean is broken AGAIN!
Time to grow old!
I have never had a in-game born sim become elder before!
And Uma too.
So, presenting Hareton!
And Uma.
Fanny gives birth!
Meet Declan! He is also Ira everything.
They wait.
They get stuck.
I need to move the stairs soon.
This is huge yard + borked hydrobot.
Viewed in daylight in build mode for better effect.
HOLY CRAP the second.
Watch that environment bar.
I had Uma influence the paperboy to help out the bloody mess.
The maid is helping out too.
You too, Fanny.
While upstairs, Annabelle and Alyce are upstairs free of any rubbish.
Woot! Bottle-fighting!
Annabelle gets it!
Alyce: My bottle....D:
Alyce: *crycry
Annabell is cute in a more...optimistic way.
Before you know it, Declan grows up!
Him postmakeover.
Had to include this. It's too cute.
Oooooh, he looks pretty evil.
Bloody Hell.
I had Hareton make an outdoor CleanBot to clear up the puddle mess.
It broke too. Before it could finish its job.
Hareton; you fail!
Uma decides to AUTONOMOUSLY clean up in the morning.
Uma: More cleaning? YEESSSSSSSSSSSSS!
*does weird pose
My daughter will never clean autonomously with such lousy neat points....
Anyways, moral of robot story: DO IT YOURSELF. Robots are not reliable.
Even the TOY ROBOT is broken too?!
And I thought
this was bland.
Showing off the upstairs corridor, now with potraits of Gen 3!
Wow! Yay!
Too bad they already have one.
Birthdays again!
Tiens! Annabelle!
She looks like an absolute angel.
And Alyce!
...who's less like an angel.
I shall end which Alyce drinking bubble formula.
I love your expression Alyce.
60 pics under cut.