The Bunbunmaru News
Editor: Aya Shameimaru
The War of Succession Begins
Eigisengoku is ablaze in the fires of war, for the first time in decades! The start is fairly gradual, but more and more clans are already becoming caught up in the competition for the throne. Let's take a look at some of the key players!
- Edgar Figaro: Ruler of the aptly-named Kingdom of Figaro, one the technological leaders of the Human world. One of two brothers, it's said that the matter of succession was determined by a coin toss! He won, of course, and is now busy running a surprisingly aggressive campaign against his neighbors, which seems somehow contrary to his personality.
- Master Asia: Also known as the Undefeated of the East and the leader of Clan Tohofuhai, Master Asia seems to be a simple man of war. Will his keen grasp on strategy make him a dangerous factor in this war? Only time will tell.
- Mazane Enma: A dangerous and enigmatic man, little is known about Enma's past. He appeared recently, covered in bandages, and began conquering provinces first and asking questions later.
- Azula: A human who claims to have power descended from the dragons themselves. Her strong points seem to be a powerful standing army and more than her share of ambition.
Oni Causes International Incident
Not long after the war began, an unnamed Oni found herself deep in enemy territory. Because she is an Oni, the most likely explanation for the incident is that she was drunk and accordingly got lost. However, Figaro's army didn't see things that way, and a fight broke out, resulting in a great deal of property damage. I may attempt to interview the Oni at a later time, to determine whether or not she knew that a battle happened, rather than just an unusually exciting party.
Mazane Enma Engages in Child Abuse
Recent reports from our team of investigators suggest that Enma is going above and beyond the call of duty in terms of his acts of violence against his fellow man. The bandaged clan leader was seen using a young boy as a hostage to deal wtih an invader in his realm, and later threw a small girl into a river. Why he seems so keen on assaulting the young, our chief reporter has been understandably reluctant to ask.
Tohofuhai Under Attack
On a related subject, one of Enma's previously-described acts of child abuse was committed during an assault on Tohofuhai's lands. Both he and Figaro attacked the clan at roughly the same time, putting considerable pressure on Tohofuhai's armed forces. However, both enemies were successfully repelled, in no small part due to the fact that Sanger Zonvolt of Figaro and Wodan Ymir of Enma suddenly seemed to forget their objective and suddenly duel each other. Thus, the fragile balance of power has so far been maintained.