So yeah

Jul 16, 2006 19:29

Its been a weird week. I havent seen Jessica in like, ages, and ive been at work being bored out of my mind. My co department worker April got a promotion and is leaving me. Im happy for her, but i saw the girl they were replacing her with (i think) and im not too sure...Plus everyone hates out Boss and no one wants to work for her so we shall see.

My cousin is leaving saturday after been stuck here for a few weeks, she reminds me a lot of Jennifer and looks like her too which is craazzzyyy. She turned out to be pretty cool, just with a texas accent.

I think i really need to add water to my fish tank, because its been so hot its all evaporating and the poor fishy is running out of water!!! Ive been putting it off for a week and all the little decorations are sticking out of the water. lol. Whoops. I should just clean my whole friggen room while im at it, but i doubt i will!

My friend was just telling me about he met this girl off Eharmony, and they really hit it off (aww) i kept quoting those commericals from tv where they're like, "Theres just got to be great chemistry!" Nothing like finding a girlfriend from a dating site. Silly Miles.

I went to walmart at 3am last night. I met a friend there and we walked around for a while and then just kind of stood in the parking lot talking for a while. We spotted one of those Amigos and i started driving it around a shopping cart obstical course while he took a video of it on his phone. How silly. I love that Walmart is open 24 hours now. Just like Meijer and Kroger. Even though its the retarded Kroger that is 24 hours.

Its weird that there has been such a big change up at work, when one person goes, a whole bunch of people go. Joel and Chris got fired, Aprils leaving, and even though i think thats it, thats still a lot of people. Oh yeah, i had to talk to freaking Chelcee today. God damn it. I thought that after Joel left shed leave me alone, but i guess i was wrong.


i think im going to go clean my room now!
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