Sep 20, 2011 18:58
I'm on my Annual Deployment Exercise (ADE) at the moment, but it's proving remarkably easy compared to previous years. I've been pulled into Regimental Headquarters (RHQ) to write the enemy intelligence/plans, given my recent experiences.
Last week was quite busy, but it was all classroom work (planning and lectures), barring the daily PT at 0600. It was quite gratifying to be one of the four fittest people (of all four regiments) attending this exercise. The PT was gradually split up by fitness over several days; by the last day of PT, there were four of us getting special attention from a particularly mad PTI (PT instructor).
This week is out in the field, on Salisbury Plain. I'm sitting in a tent almost all day, writing up plans and developing the enemy intelligence picture. Facilities here are pretty basic; there is a shower, which consists of a shower bag over a wooden pallet, and surrounded by a flimsy hessian sheet. The wind on the plain in September is pretty cold and cutting, so showering is a hasty affair.
We wrap it all up on Thursday; right now I'm writing up the increase in enemy radio chatter and activity as they build up for a big attack ....