Jun 09, 2011 15:24
I moved offices recently. The entire IT department packed up* and moved to a new office, where we have 60% less desk space and a lot more people around. But, it's not that bad. We're on the 4th floor of our new building so there's a lot more light; the kitchen is much larger and better than before, and has a dishwasher!
I was reading a news article about "deadly martial arts" and, in particular, silat, which was a new one to me. It's a Malaysian style which looks quite interesting. I idly wondered if there was a school in London**, and I googled it. Turns out there is a school in London - I can see it from my new office window.
V news! She is 6.2kg now, at just under three months, which means she is a big healthy baby. She's sleeping well (sometimes for 6 hours at night!) and is almost holding the bottle for herself now. I just cannot get enough of her smile.
Tomorrow I have my driving test! Yes, sixteen years after passing my driving test in SA I have given up trying to exchange my license and am simply taking the test here.
* We engaged a company which comes in to the office, unplugs and dismantles your computers, and puts them together on the far side. Now this is one thing an IT department should be able to do for itself, but I'm not being paid £100k a year to decide these things.
** Of course there is. This is an exceptionally global city.