soo school was good. me erin and lin looked hot. last period i went to babies and watched them eat green eggs and ham. thennnn rach was driving me home. we sang the whole way. drove by rondo.. sang to him a lil bit. it was romantic. <333 hm then home. called a boy to say happy real birthday, left a message because he didnt answer. then he called back.. more phone tag. i usually win but my $808.64 phone bill has yet to be paid sooooooo i can only get phone calls. i cant make them. so the boy has been winnning a lot latly. hummm.. after i got off the phone with him.. the HOUSE phone rings, i answer it (which is wierd because I NEVER answer the house phone) and I say hello.. its a delay, and a boy... TAYDA called me i got excited.. he's still in iraq. and hoping to come home in june so he can see us all graduate. :-( i miss him a lot and cant wait untill he comes home. hm we talked for about a half hour-forty five minutes then he had to go. it was good talking to him because i also played phone tag with him the morning he left. so it made me feel a lot better. *miss you billy* ... hmmm then i took a nap. woke up and got ready for the musical. -The Sound of Music- went to the bank, then to get rach, then to shaws to get apple jucie and flowers.. saw AMAT! that was romantic as well. listened to some HOT music. *MMMMBOP!* then off to the musical. it was so good. Kait is my hero.
got out of the musical around 10:30... checked my voicemail.. One from Seamus Mike Burke and Hladick saying Happy St Patty's Day.. and One from my friend Jay saying "OH BARELY" wicked random. i heart him and his weird comments.
went home called seamus back.. left a message. drank an apple juice then went to bed.
awoke at 2:30 from my cell phone ringing. it was Mike.. playing a drinking game with seamus (i think) something to do with phone calls and getting people to answer. and if people answer they have to drink.. i dont exactly understand. im planning on asking them about it today now that im AWAKE.. i thought it was a dream untill i checked my phone this morning.. aparently i missed a call from seamus at 1:19.. sorry. I guess "girls just wanna have fun" just didnt do it for me this time.
hmm woke up this morning. got coffee with LB. it was romatic. i got a bagel this morning. i never get bagels so i thought i would change it up a lil. i didnt eat it all though.. they're to big. hmmm
english was bad. then math, we had a relaxing day. everyone was quiet and tired. RONDO didnt even talk a lot. his hand was bleeding. it was ew.
hmmm and here i am now. in the guidence office being borred. and playing on myspace.^that should bring you to my page. mehhh
on that note im going to be very borred somewhere else.. like soc with matty and linna
LAYTER... comment if you even read this.?