crazy weekend...

Mar 07, 2005 10:30

soooooooo, friday night i got drunk by myself in my bedroom and ate skittles waiting for jenny to get out of work... then mik came and picked me up to go to the coffee house. it was fun. from what i remember. scotty and amat are awesome and i love them a lot. <33 i pet a bunny.
after that i noticed i miss many phone calls. and had a couple funny v-mails from seamus and mikey burkey. i heart them too. hmm.. so after the coffee house me and jenny went to mikes in the hot tub. dont remember the drive or much of went on. but whatev. dum de dum.. anyways. around 1ish. i think, hmm.. me and jenny drove home and i talked to cool people on the phone.. im sure i was annoying and i apologize but what can i say, shit happens. (cool people consited of Matty Clist, CSmalls, and a few messeges to the one and only Paul Zonghi and i beleive i called Joe aka Billy as well.) hmmm... me and jenny went back to my house and ate chicken wings. WICKED GOOOD! then off to bed.

woke up around 9:30 maybe... i dont even know. so we sat and made bows for my spirit gift. it was hard. the ribbon was so small. but i got it. YEY! we had a nice long talk. hopfully everything will work out. :-? .. around 11:50 jenny brought me to work. longest shittiest day ever. it went by so slow.. i had to work till close (which is 9:30) so it sucked. i had a ton of missed calls. it made me feel special. at 9:31 i got a call from billy, my phone was in my pocket, and im not allowed to have my phone on me at work. and i was getting my drawer cashed out.. Hans was like.. shut it off. meh it was sad.. THENNN today i found out it was RONDO calling me from billys phone. i was sad. but everythings okay now. hmmmmm good story ill tell it at parties.

went to sleep..
5:45am-phone call from seamus... "i just got done playing Halo, and i wanted to be the first person to say GOODLUCK TODAY"
wicked cute.

TVLSSSSSSSSS.. first place.. told you we dont fuck around. im not going to lie i was wicked nervous. all the teams did so good. Hoptown got 2nd and Bham got third. they both did wicked good. im glad bellinham finally is getting recognized for being a good team.

played phone tag last night... I WINNNNNNNNN!!

seamus called me this morning to say have a good day... and its a weekday. holy shit!
its monday and bell is going to ring.. goodbye. and ill write again sooon!
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