Mar 05, 2004 03:10
Bizarre day. We'll say that, chronologically, today started at midnight. Twenty minutes later I was walking through sweet-smelling slow drizzle toward two shadows on Old Main. Soon a third shadow joined, and the four shadows, myself included, walked. Around, about, downtown, to the diner. Built a city of jam and sugar packets, watched root beer floats drown sleepiness. To Atherton! What can YOU do in the Grandfather Clock Lounge at 3:00 in the morning? Have a Mad Hatter's tea party, sit in every seat- quick quick quick! To the piano practice room...classical music, Ben Folds, Train, and a squished floorgy. I liked the closeness. Contemplation of a sleepover "I'll get my alarm clock!" "Yeah, we'll plug it in there!" "we'll sleep here, then just wake up early!" and then reality "but work..." and so they left. Another 4:30 morning, but what is the sacrifice of sleep to feeling ALIVE?
Awake again at 8:45, showered, on to my future! I have a major. I think. I'm excited. I think. I'm esteemed. I think...they've invited me to be a panel member. Exactly one year ago, I sat, staring at the panel, and I said to my mom, "I could do that." Slowly crashing, I try to study for the econ midterm I neglected to care about a few hours earlier. Fightened of falling asleep in philosophy, I order an iced white mocha with a shot of espresso. Downing the chalky beverage as if my life depended on it, I bump into Zack, my calc professor from last semester. We walk to our next classes together and chat of the weather and math, the T.A. and my major. "No Zack, for the last time, I'm NOT a theatre major." And here I am in philosophy, hyped up on espresso and Hesse, dreading my econ exam but loving life.