10:10 I think I am allergic to my rental car. It makes me all sneezy and apathetic toward my job.
# 14:16 You know whats been stuck in my head? "Making your way in the world today, takes everything you got..." and now it is stuck in yours. Sorry.
# 14:49 Im sorry for my previous tweet. In return I offer a palate cleanser. One of the best mash ups I've heard (youtube)
tinyurl.com/3b63od # 14:55 Also, this one. ABBA and 50 Cent (youtube) (You really only need the first 30 seconds)
tinyurl.com/cgz497 # 16:32 It finally happened: Dead quiet in the office. Phone in pocket. Text received. Phone not on silent. Paris Hilton's "Screwed" plays. *dies*
# 16:43 Pretty sure I lost all respect from minions because of phone incident. They are looking at me funny now. Whatevs. Paris is tha bomb.
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