Mar 11, 2008 19:49
iam emotionaly fuckin tired of this shit. i just want to be #3 in his priority list. hell im like # 100 serously! its fuckin crap. i really dont know what to do. am i just looking too deep in this relationship should i back off and look at it with my naked eye instead of a magnifi glass? or should i just relize that it will not change and just end it? i really wish i knew what i should do. may be im over reacting and need to stop being soooo fucking needy. ugh i hate my self right now!
his leaving for a week tomorrow and i really dont want him to go his going to rocky point.... yeah.... idk. i couldnt stop him i tried. i just want him to spend tonight with me so i know and i can asure myself he will come back missing me like crazy. i highly doubt it he is predictable.