(one shot) Letters

Aug 26, 2009 14:07

Title: Letters
Author: quinnsan 
Group(s): Super Junior
Pairing: HenHae
Genre: Angst, Romance
Rating: PG
Flame?: None. ^^
Summary: This takes place during KyuHyun’s War Diaries and focuses on Henry and Donghae exchanging letters, and then having a brief but joyous reunion.
Beta’d By: Self beta’d/
A.N.: I sadly do not own any of the boys… though we all know we’d love to own at least one of them.
X-Posted to: miracle______ 
Dedication: Tsuki (
jung_hyeri ) because she was the wonderful person who inspired me to write this, and it takes place during her fic which a really amazing fic and I felt so special that I got to read a lot of it while it was in the writing stages. ^^
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I hope you’re doing well, considering you know..anyways I miss you very much. I haven’t heard much about or seen Hankyung or Zhou Mi, but I’ll be sure to let you guys know if I hear anything.

I love you, Henry.

Henry wrote to Donghae as often as he could, and Donghae wrote as often as he could, but as the war went on it was harder and harder to send letters to each other and the others as well, but they managed it somehow.


I just received your last letter and I appreciate that you’ll let us know if you hear anything about Zhou Mi or Hankyung. I got to talk to Sungmin and Kibum a little today, it was sort of a rushed conversation but it made me really happy to see them and speak to them you know?

I wish I could think of more to write but it’s been so boring around here with not much to do, I don’t know what else to really say. But I hope you’re doing well, and I miss you, so much it hurts at night knowing you can’t be there next to me.

I love you, Hae.

Weeks passed and they continued to send letters, some being extremely short, only a few quickly written down words, or really long, with random doodles thrown in all over the pages of the letter.


Sorry this isn’t very long but I don’t have much time to write at the moment but I’ll write more as soon as I can.

I love you, Henry.


I’ve told you a million times you don’t have to apologize for not being able to write very much! Anything is better than nothing, and it means a lot to me when I get a letter from you, knowing that you took the time to write something down just for my eyes.

There still isn’t much going on around here for me, but I did get to sit down and eat a quick meal with Kibum and Sungmin the other day since they managed to catch a break and were able to actually eat sitting down, it was nice but not as fun as I know we all would have liked it to be.

I love you, Hae.

A couple of weeks passed without Donghae getting a letter from Henry and he was starting to worry that something had happened to him but he knew deep in his heart that Henry was safe and alive, he just didn’t know where he was. His heart though, without Henry near he felt empty inside and he wondered if Henry felt the same. His heart felt empty without all of Super Junior around but with Henry it was different, he was probably the most important person in the world for him.

He saw Sungmin and Kibum occasionally and they always looked tired but managed to give quick smiles to him and he knew they noticed how he was starting to get really prominent dark circles under his eyes because he wasn’t sleeping very well at all lately, but they said nothing to him, mostly because they didn’t have the time to stop and talk, and also because they didn’t want to pressure him into telling them what was wrong.

A letter finally arrived from Henry again, and Donghae was so happy that he almost cried from relief, and along with that letter there was a letter from KyuHyun as well as a few other Super Junior members, but Henry’s is the one he wanted to read the most.


I’m so sorry I haven’t written in a couple of weeks. I got so busy and was unable to write to you, but I read every single letter you wrote and they always put a smile on my face.

There isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t think about you, and some nights I find it hard to sleep because you aren’t there beside me and it feels lonely, so lonely but I take comfort in the thought of knowing that your alright and that I know your thinking of me as well, and don’t even try saying that you’re not because I know you are.

I love you Hae and don’t you ever forget it!

Love, Henry.

p.s. Turn around.

Donghae was puzzled, why did Henry want him to turn around? He was all alone in his tent, seeing as the other guys he was assigned to share with were at the mess hall tent playing cards. Slowly he set down the letter and then began to turn around, wary of what he was going to see when he did finally turn around.

But what he saw made him swear that he was seeing things, because what he was seeing right now should not be there standing in front of him with that cute smile on his face.


“Yeah it’s me.” Henry said, his voice soft and low.

“But why are you here?”

“I was sent into the area to do some peacekeeping work and I managed to convince the general to let me in to see you and Sungmin if he was around, but mostly I just wanted to see you. I don’t have much time though..mmph!” Henry was cut off from what he was saying by Donghae enveloping him in a bear hug, practically knocking him to the ground with the force he used to practically fly at him from where he had previously been standing.

“I’m so happy to see you, I thought that I might not ever get to see you again.” Donghae murmured, his head in the crook of Henry’s neck.

“I know, me too. Listen I don’t have much time left, they said I could only speak to you for 5 minutes, it’s really unfair but it’s the best they could give me and its better than nothing right?”

“Yeah 5 minutes is better than nothing and you know when this war is over we’ll have all the time in the world to spend together, just the two of us.” Henry smiled and hugged Donghae tighter not wanting to ever let go, but knew he would have to soon.

They pulled slightly apart and then Donghae leaned in and kissed Henry, softly like they had only seen each other just yesterday, but when in reality it had been months. Henry returned the kiss, more than happy to oblige when Donghae’s tongue asked for permission to enter his mouth.

But they soon pulled apart, knowing that Henry would soon have to leave as they had heard footsteps approaching the tent. It was then that both Henry noticed Donghae had tears in his eyes and he wanted to tell Donghae not to cry, that it was all going to be ok but he couldn’t because he was starting to cry himself and Donghae hugged him again rubbing his back soothingly as he did, and Henry returned the favor.

Then there was a voice, an assistant or someone or other telling Henry that it was time for him to go, that his car was ready to go. Henry pulled away from Donghae but grasped onto the other’s hands.

“I’ll see you soon I promise. Don’t go doing anything to stupid like trying to dye the commander’s hair while he’s asleep. And I promise that as soon as this stupid war is over I’ll take you to Canada with me and we’ll spend the day, or weeks doing whatever you want ok?”

“That sounds like a plan, you’d better keep your word Henry.” Donghae said a playful smirk on his face. Henry could only chuckle at the sight, and before he left he leaned in for one more kiss, Donghae happily returning the kiss and then Henry left, leaving Donghae standing there alone. Both having agreed that it would be for the best that Donghae not see Henry off since it would just make it harder on the both of them.


Guess what I finally get to go out on a mission! After all this time of just sitting around doing nothing they are finally letting me go out on a mission. I’m really excited about it, Sungmin is a little worried but I keep reassuring him that I’ll be fine.

Don’t forget that you promised to take me to Canada with you when this war is over, I’m looking forward to that day and you said that you’d do whatever I want and well..let me tell you that we won’t be leaving the bedroom very much.

I love you, don’t you forget that!

Love, your awesome Hae.

Unfortunately Henry would never get the chance to take Donghae to Canada because shortly after he wrote the letter, he lost his life.


super junior, kibum, zhou mi, kyuhyun's war diaries, henry lau, hankyung, one-shot, henhae, donghae, super junior m, sungmin

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