Title: 5 times Kisumai and ABC shared a Changing Room
quinnsan Group(s): Kis-My-Ft2, ABC, mentions of KAT-TUN, NEWS, Kanjani 8, Hey Say Jump, and Arashi.
Pairing: Hint of Akame, FujigayaxSenga (..what would you call this pairing? xDD)
Genre: Crack/Humor
Rating: PG-13
Flame?: None. ^^
Summary: Prompt #37: 5 times KissuMai and ABC shared a changing room for
shatteredtenshi ’s Kis-My-Ft2-Thon.
Beta’d By:
nonokame A.N.: I sadly do not own any of the boys… though we all know we’d love to own at least one of them.
X-Posted to:
jent_fanfics ,
kis_my_ft2 ,
The first time ABC had to share a changing room with Kisumai was when a water pipe running through one of the walls in ABC’s changing room mysteriously got broken. A few of the chibi juniors said they saw Kame-senpai dragging Jin-senpai out of the room soaking wet a few minutes before ABC arrived and discovered their wet changing room.
Kisumai agreed to allow ABC to share their changing room until the repairs were finished.
No one asked how the huge hole had gotten in wall or how the pipe had gotten broken.
A few weeks after the pipe incident, when ABC’s changing room was finally finished being fixed and ABC were about to move all their things back, they walked in and discovered that Kanjani 8 had taken over the room.
The members weren’t exactly in the room, but it was obvious because of the random piles of extremely colorful sweaters (courtesy of Yasuda), and those crazy costumes that the group wore when they sang Sukiyanen Osaka that were throw haphazardly onto the couch.
The group eventually came back and kicked them out, telling them that they needed to borrow their changing room for a few days while the Kanjani 8 changing room got painted. Apparently, someone had decided to paint a huge rainbow across one of the walls. Everyone guessed it was Arashi’s doing, but no one bothered to question them about it.
So grudgingly, ABC returned to the Kisumai dressing room.
That same day ABC discovered a side of two Kisumai members they really wished that hadn’t seen. They walked into the changing room about to announce that they’d be sharing it with the group again when they spotted Fujigaya pinning Senga to the floor in a very questionable manner.
Their presence was made known when Kitayama walked through the door, a can of coffee in one hand and he said loudly, “Oi, what are you two doing. Are you trying to scare the chibi’s?”
“Eh? Oh hi~ I was just helping Senga stretch, because he pulled a couple of muscles when he fell during skating practice yesterday.” Taisuke said looking up at the other occupants of the room with a smile on his face.
All of ABC proceeded to fall over in shock.
People normally didn’t stretch wearing only their boxers.
The following week after ABC had finally left Kisumai’s changing room, the seven members started celebrating having four less people in their room. Sure, it was really fun at times, but really… Eleven guys in one room got really crowded and annoying, especially when they were trying to nap or practice dance routines.
Kitayama wondered how Hey!Say! Jump pulled it off with ten of them in one room (even if they had gotten a slightly larger changing room to make it easier to fit the ten boys in the room).
Suddenly, shouts of anger came from down the hallway shortly after ABC had left to go back to their own room. A few of the curious Kisumai members poked their heads out of the door to see what was going on.
They saw ABC standing in front of the door to their changing room with looks of horror and anger on their faces. As they couldn’t see the source of the looks they moved closer to see and practically fell over when they saw what was on the door.
Property of NEWS’s Yamashita Tomohisa!
Do not enter!
Was scrawled across a huge piece of paper that was tapped across the entire door. The writing was written entirely in English, but the boys were able to tell what it said anyways.
“I think Yamashita-kun has been talking to Jin-kun again…” Senga said as he stared at the door.
“You think?” Kawai said not bothering to look at Senga as he spoke.
Needless to say, ABC was forced to return to Kisumai’s dressing room once again. It took them the rest of the week to convince the leader of NEWS to allow them to have their changing room back.
The fifth time it happened… Well, it was actually Kisumai’s fault that ABC ended up sharing a changing room with the other group again.
Kisumai had decided to have a blind-folded chocolate-pudding-filled-water-balloon fight and they had all somehow ended up in ABC’s changing room. The walls, floor, and ceiling were completely covered with random splotches of chocolate pudding that was extremely hard to clean off the walls.
It was so hard that it took an entire week to get it all completely cleaned up. However, it hadn’t been that bad sharing the changing room with Kisumai, as they hadn’t seen any more disturbing thing (though they figured out that they were just being kind enough to not let the members of ABC see). They found out from Nikaido and Kitayama later on that the reason for that was because they didn’t want ABC stealing the secrets to Kisumai’s member-ai.
OWARI~ ((This so ended up including more of the debuted groups than I had originally intended..but it was fun to write. I swear I don’t know where that part about stretching in their boxers came from either. *giggles*))