(no subject)

Jun 09, 2008 11:50

I took sayurday off work, i shoulda phoned y managers instead of txting my supervisor cuz i got a warning lastnight but its ok. its not a big deal to me.
I took it off to be with patrick on his last day. It was a good night. I met his friends and hada really good laugh.
When i woke up yesterday beside him, reality hit me. Suitcase was on the floor and i didnt like it.
He gave me his teddybear Rachel. A cute wee white bear hes had since he was three. I gave him my ring that was on my wedding finger. Hasnt left it since i was 21. Explained that it represents two souls never meeting because there love is neverending. I also gave him rocky my teddy i sleep with.
I wrote him a letter and put it in his bag without him knowing. We were hugging in the kitchen, saying the usual its only three months and well be fine. He didnt want me to go in the car with them as it would be so difficult for us. It was even difficult there. I couldnt actually physically leave. Cried my eyes out in his cheast. I didnt wana let him go. but he told me that it must be real between us as were finding it so difficult to say goodbye.
It was so difficult but im trying to put a strong front up.
He txt me lastnight after he found the letter. It made him cry again but it is love. nothing like ive had before.
I miss my boo
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