LJ Interests meme results
- dancing:
my interests are really quite crap - guitar:
to an extent - humour:
i dont know why i even put this, jokes are for people who can't face up to the harsh reality of the judiciary system. - mix tapes:
what oh how retro. - permafrost:
Permanently frozen subsoil, occurring throughout the Polar Regions and locally in perennially frigid areas.
I obviously just have this as an interest because I'm frigid. - photos:
yes yes, very nice - rooftops:
vertigo is for spastics - typing:
i dont know why i have this either. - unnecessary comments:
I used to find myself driving past their house on the way home from the pub, even though their house isn't on the way home from the pub. YEAH well your face looks like an ostrich farm. - vinyl:
and by vinyl i mean the kind you get at allied carpets.
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