I feel like such a picture-snapping whore now. And on top of that, I've
been told I'm an obsessive randomizer. What a bizarre term, obsessive
But then again, my mate who called me that has always been on
the...umm, how should I put it, peculiar side. He's usually in his own
world, so I won't bother translating whatever he says.
Hormonal Dysfunctions.
Sweat out of the?
I like.
I feel horny now.
That's about it. I took a lot more pictures but I'm lazy to post them
now. I'll do so later when I have the time. I need to take my beauty
sleep now, sleep which I have been lacking ever since the Nationals
Good news. I passed my Add Math test paper. 7/10 (its my birthdate too). I love myself too much.