Jul 31, 2006 08:54
well it's freaking out anyway... i had another seizure last night. first one was four years ago. i don't think this one was as big, but it is still awful finding yourself wet and disoriented and realizing you've lost an hour and a half. maybe it was two hours. then i look around and notice i've knocked all the books and papers i was working with off the bed (luckily not my laptop) and when i dizzily got up to take off my sopping clothes i almost threw up. my mom ordered me to go to sleep. i tried, but i had a bad night of it. this morning there was more evidence i messed up my body big time. both my shoulders feel like i wrenched them. in the shower i found a big lump on the back of my head. not sure what i hit. all this is lovely seeing as how i am on an anti-seizure med. sigh.
well not that i wanted to freak any of you out or worry you, so yeah... i'm ok. and joanne's driving me to school this morning since it isn't advisable i drive until i'm cleared by a dr. i think last time they wanted me to have been seizure free one year. oh i don't want to think about how miserable that is going to be... i want to go to nh the 11th... :(
damn now i'm depressed.