Nov 15, 2008 11:20
hola! i am just poppin in to say that i am still here, just busy as sin...and sin is a very busy place ;)
what's new with y'all? i am up to my eyeballs in stuff ~ dogs, kids, house, boy, office sorting etc. oh, and i joined the school's parent council. go me! so, what does the altunrachick do on council you ask...stirs the pot and make snide comments for the most really,i am the head of volunteer wrangling. fun fun fun! and i am on the special events committee. wicked. lots of big egos and swelled heads. for the most part not a bad bunch of eggs that want to do good for the kidlets. i do have to watch my mouth though, the last meeting saw a 45 min show down because i said we weren't a dictatorship headhunting for minions to do our bidding! yeah, that's the way to rile up the suburban populace. whatever. once i learn to keep my P & Qs in check we'll all get along famously *smirk*
so that's me. a busy lil mama with her fingers in many pots. what about you? tell me. tell me. tell me!!!
squishy huggs n' bigg assed smiles :) K
ps i am still waiting on my music darkling boi....and getting impatient ;) (ebil grinnage)
pps i wound like those boots under the tree this year. tell santa i've been a goog girlie this year!