Sep 28, 2004 18:39
Beanie and Honey went on Beanie's first field trip. Went to an apple orchard to pick apples....coincides with the school lesson plan for the month..."A"...the color red. Honey spent the whole school day with Beanie. Beanie psyched. Honey didn't want to go this morning when I woke him up for the third time and told him he had 20 minutes to wake up, get dressed, and in the car. Told me that he didn't want to do this, that I should go instead....Hello, I have a doctor's appointment, and **I** am NOT going to be the one to tell Beanie that you aren't going. So he got up, got dressed, and went. Came back from the doc's to find them already gone from the HS center and walking toward home. Honey promptly came home, took off his shoes, and crashed out on the couch.
LilSis, Beanie, and I went to the store and got some household stuff so that I can start getting some laundry done. Think that I put on my last pair of clean underwear this morning.....sigh. Stopped in at the library, since we were in the area, and I checked out all of the books of this series that I've been wanting to reread. Have to finish "The Education of LittleTree" first though. Keep getting in on the middle or last of the movie when it's on tv....going to read the book, and then try to catch the movie when it starts.
Had a good first/new patient doctor's appointment. Got the new female doc, and the usual stop smoking/doing drugs/exercise/eat right lecture. Sorry, but sometimes only a woman can understand what another woman is saying, and there are only certain things you can feel comfortable telling to/talking about with another woman. Got some "chill pills" for my depression and anxiety; a follow up appointment in two weeks; and an appointment with one of the clinic's psych councelors. Not starting the two week med cycle until tomorrow, as I am finishing up the last of the vodka tonght....can't drink while taking this med because the alcohol messes with the effects. Speaking of effects, I went to the med website....only the Spanish handout version was available.....I'm not sure that I'm going to like taking this med....we'll see. Have a 50% chance of the med making me sleepy, or a 50% chance of it making me "peppy". And some of the side effects are sexual.....and that's all I need to hear is more bitching/moaning about our sex life from Will be crossing my fingers that this med will actually help, and not make things totally worse like Prozac did, and that I will remember to take the damn pill....have a problem for some reason taking medicine on a regular schedule.
Honey didn't get the Shipping and Recieving Lead position. It was given to someone who had more recent experience in that department. **BIG SIGH** Was a positive interview with the big wigs though. Am sure that the next position he applies for, he will get.
Am supposed to be calling around town checking on activities department assistant positions and care provider positions. Mom called last night to let me know that there is an opening at one of the places for an activities assistant; is only part time, evenings and weekends....sorry, but I guess I'm getting stingy because I don't want to give up our family time on the weekends. I just don't feel like calling around to places checking on position openings for a job that I don't want to, care provider for elderly mentally delayed or brain injury people. And I really didn't feel up to spending the time after my doc appointment and picking up Honey and Bean on the phone....didn't feel like I was in the right mental state. **SIGH** I did get some of my "homework" done yesterday....I took four typing tests. Was really suprised that considering the keyboard set up that we have, I was averaging about 60 WPM. I guess that is not up to speed on the "good" stats for typing.
Guess that's it for now. 45 minutes before WeeBoy bedtime....((**FINALLY**))......and I need to get some laundry sorted to throw in the washer. Honey "forgot" to take his keys again, so I have to wait up....**again** order to let him in the house when he gets home.