(no subject)

Aug 20, 2005 01:18

Yes, I know I am actually writing a real post not one of my sappy girlie stuff. HA. Well I leave Sunday morning after church for Lubbock. I can’t believe I really am leaving. Not that I’m not happy I am leaving. I think I am a little overwhelmed. See I really don’t know the exact things I want to say. But it is true I am leaving Cypress. Wow! Things around here always seem to get really good when you have to leave. Will you come with me? I guess people change. College is supposed to be the best 4 years of your life. Not to say my 1st year was bad by any means, I guess it just wasn’t what I had planned it being. I’m so ecstatic to actually be on my own. I really do hope that the next couple of years will be the best years I have. I hope to meet the man I marry while I am at school. That is if I haven’t already met him. I know it’s going to be so weird without my parents. I can’t remember a tough time I ever had without them. I need to start packing. Ha! I have all my clothes packed and maybe a few other things but that’s it. School doesn’t start till the 29th, which is nice. I will have some time to get to hang out with people before I have to lock down on books. I really don’t want to find myself messing up the 1st year. I want to be able to show my parents I am able to do things without them.  I often find myself thinking about why I really am who I am. Why do I fall for all the wrong people? And when I say wrong people, I don’t really mean bad. I guess sometimes you feel like you can’t ever get the ones you want. Today I was called a “goodie-goodie”. Wow what an eye opener. I really haven’t ever thought of myself as a “goodie-goodie” before. And to be honest I am not so sure I liked it. I know that I’m not always wild and crazy. I don’t believe the person who I am can be categorized as something such at that. I guess it doesn’t even matter. I maybe a “freak in the closet” or the “goodie-goodie” you call me, I will always be me. Well yeah my time to leave seems to be getting a lot closer. KJ is coming over tomorrow to be here when I pack my crap. I know that we don’t hang out as much as we used to but she really is the best friend I always wanted, yet never had. I will honestly miss you so much. I hope that you will at some point come see me. I know that’s far for you to ask to drive, but maybe we could meet in the middle or something.

I really will miss you dearly. KJ & SJ = Black Swinga’s!

Yeah anyways. I can’t believe I am leaving all of this behind, all of my church family, my family, and my friends. Theses are the people who have been there for me through everything. You make me who I am and I thank you!! Life is going to be so different. Well I better head to bed. Seems to me I have a full day of packing CRAP. HaHa!


My school email is : Sarah.J.Hansen@ttu.edu
Personal email: Sarahjoy04@yahoo.com
Screen name: Sarahjoy04

I have fallen for you and I don’t know why?!?!
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