Jul 05, 2005 01:24
44 things I think a guy should know...
1) Just because all that we have to do to make you happy is:
show up naked and bring beer, doesn't mean that's all that you have to do to please us.
2) It never hurts to work out...take your own advice.
3) Not all girls masturbate...we just don't and no we are not lying.
4) We hate porn.
5) We know that watching us touch certain parts of our bodies may turn you on. However, your "scratching" is not in any way attractive.
6) If you ask me out directly, I will say yes.
7) We think about you all the time!
8) Being able to make us laugh is so much more important than how much you can bench-press.
9) We may think you are gay if you wear tighty-whities on a regular basis.
10) Hold our hand.
11) Sometimes the things you're self conscious about are the things that we find really adorable.
12) PMS: it happens.
13) If you hold our hand while you are driving we will be thoroughly impressed... especially if it's a stick.
14) You look hot in hooded articles of clothing.
15) If you think for any reason that we don't like you then we probably don't.
16) Having us over while you and your friends play video games does not count as "quality time".
17) Just because we groom ourselves on a regular basis does not mean we're high maintenance.
18) Never comment on how much a girl eats...EVER!
19) If there is something you really love about a girl, tell her, she'll appreciate it more than you know.
20) 7:13 and 6:47 are perfect "random" times for you to call.
21) If you do not own a wife-beater, stop reading this list, and go invest in one...right now.
22) The ability to play the guitar will help you get laid.
23) You don't answer to "Homosapean" and therefore we do not answer to "WOMAN."
24) Walks in the rain, kisses on the forehead, and cooking dinner for us will get you everywhere.
25) Just because we're in a serious relationship doesn't mean we plan to marry you someday, so stop being so damn scared!!!
26) Anything you do or say to another girl that you wouldn't want me to know about is considered cheating.
27) If we can admit that we're wrong, you'd better be able to do the same.
28) The excuse "I can't dance" is unacceptable...we'll appreciate the simple fact that you're trying.
29) If you want us to look hot, don't complain about how long it takes for us to get ready.
30) Think before you speak...it'll make a world of difference.
31) Not all girls kiss on the first date, get over it...we're creatures of mystery.
32) Make fun of our clothes...prepare to die.
33) You say that we're "hard to read" so here is a little guide: silent treatment, shoulder shrugs, tears, yelling and nasty looks all add up to...YOU DID SOMETHING WRONG.
34) Tell us we're beautiful.
35) The "little things" in a relationship are really the biggest. .
36) Don't screw us over...especially if we have an older brother or protective guy friends...they will hunt you down and kill you.
37) If you're going to look at other girls, at least make sure we don't see you do it.
38) No girl just wants to be your "friend with benefits".
39) One word when it comes to smoking...QUIT.
40) We reserve the right to hate all of your ex-girlfriends.
41) You should never describe another girl as "hot" without immediately following with the phrase "but not as hot as you."
42) Sensitive guys are great...but crying more than we do in a movie isn't right.
43) You don't have to spend a lot, if it means a lot.
44) We appreciate everything you do for us, even if it doesn't always seem that way.