Feb 23, 2004 20:44
So... I got beat-up at work... today really rather blew in all honesty. Alas.
I went to work. I then got smacked in the by a kennel door, right where the screw juts out... unlocked it, dog slammed into it, BAM door in forehead... now I have a mighty bruise and lump/indent from evil screw and door. I then got wizzed on by Dawn's dog as she passed her over teh fence to me, got my nose bitten by a little rat terrior named Bosco and twisted my anckle trying to get Duke and Cubbie out to the feild. I bled and bled and bled from that damn little dog. He took a chunk out of the inside of my nose... Do you have ANY idea how much that hurts. I cried. I didn't have a choice! Skin beiong torn from the inside of your nose makes your eyes water like a mad-man.
I went home and ended up being late for class because my printer was mad at me. I couldn't get any of my word processes or aol to work and had pressed print like 900 times, then just restarted the computer and left the room in a rage. I was just getting my bag and going out the door when the printer started.... humming.... and BAM there was my paper. Holaluya!
I'm dead tired and have a math test tommorrow but no school on Wed.
Huzzah! A day of peace!
::smiles with a wad of tissue up right nostrile::