Adelle's Enrty.

Feb 18, 2004 21:22

This is the best entry in the world. Why do you ask? BECAUSE its ADELLE'S ENTRY!

Although i told her i'd write about anything she picked, i lied. =) Sorry Adelle. hehehe. So uhh ill write about other stuff.
Like remember...
the time you and raquel walked to my home in the summer?
or the first time i met ur sister and i was shy?
or the first time i played DDR? (even then i was a master)
or the time we sung those songs on my comp with raquel?
or the time we watch to-kay-ta-u-gee?
or the time we snuck out and raquel stole gum?
or the time we fell asleep instead of goin out?
or the time when we did the wave?
or the time you and raquel would scream jova's name out the door?
or the time we had that water fight?
or the times u'd text me "2 cents"?
or man bobbies?
or the notes in ms. s's class?
or the con f.?
or the time we tricked ms. s's with 97?
or the time you threw me in the dirrrty pool?
or the time those boys came to ur home?
or the times we'd tan or try to lighten our hair?
or the time ...

god damit i love you!
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