Career crossroad

Dec 13, 2005 15:34

I recently confronted a new idea. Do I want to persue a art career or go with the medical research career? They are not very similar at all. One I've been dreaming about as long as I can remember. The other is something I have only recently become interested in. There are a lot of pro's/con's. *sigh*

This came to mind after doing a little research in to what it would take to become certified as a Lab Animal Technologist. With my Associates Degree I can gain my certification in just one year. I need 2.5 years experience to qualify. With that I could take a number of different jobs.

However, I'm still interested in getting my Bachelors online through the Art Institutes. With a four year degree and refreshed knowledge of the digital art world I could get a great design job. Or I could follow through with a really big idea and teach English in Japan!

Or I could do it all. LOL! I'd be a Lab Tech/Graphic Designer who teaches Japanese. Woo-hoo! @_@

Must ponder this some more.
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