Feedback time!

Oct 18, 2011 18:29

So, over a week ago, I mentioned some aspects of this community like moderating membership and putting all entries automatically on members-locked in light of BBG being snarked on a community. Management has been discussing it as well as other aspects such as commenting. So, we all would like to get your feedback on what we've decided as well as give us your imput into some things that are a mixed bag on among manangement.

1.Membership WILL NOT be moderated. There are a number of reasons why management agreed with this. First one is that if someone is having problems and they want help immediately, they wouldn't be able to get that with moderated membership because they would have to wait a while to get it.

The other reason is that you're not going to know who's going to cause trouble or not before one is approved of membership until they make a post or post a comment. Moderated membership only helps in this situation that prevents us from having bots and spammers as members. Plus, it might deter people who are shy or lurk from joining our community.

2. There is a mix bag on having all entries be automatically set to members-only vs. letting each member set what they want their entry to be on. I'm begining to personally see the error in having every entry set to members-only automatically. A couple days ago, a post I recently made, I wanted to set it to public and the damn thing wouldn't let me. It's not manditory to have all posts here be membership only like writer's blocks, discussions, and links that could help with bullying. However, reason why I wanted every post set to members only is because I'm concerned about people's personal stories becoming the center of ridiciule on other communities that center around snark, which would hurt more than heal.

However, if one wants to post their personal story without making it public, they can manually set it to members only. What worries me though is that you have many people new to LJ and they may not know how to set it to members-only. And management CANNOT do it (trust me, I've tried).

And btw, just to put it out, this is rule 8 which has been around since the community was created:
8. Personal stories from members, especially if it's "members lock", stay here on bullying_begone unless you get permission from that person to post their story somewhere else. This is a safe haven for people to freely express what happened to them where they don't have to worry about feeling judged and don't worry about certain people knowing about it. Anyone that violates this rule will be warned once to knock it off. If they don't heed warning, they're gone.

3. Comments are a mixed bag too. Some think only members should comment while others think anyone should comment. Personally speaking for myself, I rather not let people post anonymously on here...even if IPS addresses are being recorded. If anyone can comment, then it should limited to registered users at least.

4. If it's agreed that anyone can comment, if the comments should be screened before being posted. ´So, do you personally think they should or not? I personally liked the idea someone mentioned on my last post that screening would be great, even among members-only, to prevent any drama from breaking out in the community because this isn't the best community for drama to erupt. It could make some close up....which defeats the purpose of the community.

So, what do you all think?

rules, the community

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