The Bullying Experiment-Trigger Warning

Apr 10, 2014 14:28

From the vid on You Tube:
Why is bullying such an on going issue in society today? It's the people who start it but is it not the people who have the capacity to put a stop to it? By watching an act of bullying with the thought of, "i was going to step in if it kept going." you may be too late. This video opened up my eyes in ways no video has done before. Hope it promotes positive change.

Just want to put it out there again that this may be triggering for some people. I will say this though, it is rage inducing how many people ignore what's going on or don't do anything.

What many people exhibited in this vid is called the Bystander Effect (also called Bystander Apathy), which is a "social psychological phenomenon that refers to cases in which individuals do not offer any means of help to a victim when other people are present". Frankly, I find it disturbing. If you think it is bad that no one intervenes when someone is being bullied, it is a lot worst when there is a full blown emergency going on like in the links I will provide in the next entry when I talk about the "Bystander Effect".

anti-bullying, made fun of, education, self defense, bystander effect, vids, you tube, social issues, teasing, school, bullying awareness, violence, bullying, harassment, bullying prevention, support, school bullies

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