Adam Lanza: Sandy Hook Gunman carried out killings as revenge against school

Apr 17, 2013 16:01

A friend of killer Adam Lanza's mother has said the gunman may have launched his murder spree at Sandy Hook Elementary School as an 'act of revenge' after suffering years of bullying as a student at the Connecticut school.

Family friend Marvin LaFontaine said Lanza, who killed 26 people during one of the worst school shooting in America's history, had been harboring resentment towards the Connecticut school for years.

And he said mother Nancy Lanza was so angered by the school's inability to protect her son, she would sometimes sit in his class to make sure nobody touched him.

He told the New York Daily News: 'I think Adam felt betrayed by the school and this was his act of revenge.

I am sorry that he was bullied badly, and that the teachers at the school did nothing to help him. However, that's as much as I'm going to feel sorry for him. If he had attacked and killed someone in self-defense because a bully was beating the shit out of him, I would be a little bit more forgiving. However, what he did doesn't deserve sympathy nor forgiveness because those innocent kids that he shot and killed had absolutely nothing to do with him being bullied. In fact, they weren't even alive when he was being bullied. I mean, he even killed his own mother who tried to do something about it.

ETA on April 28th: I fixed the link. I had accidentally added an f between "h" and "ref", which is why the link wouldn't come up.

anti-bullying, social issues, suicide, students, asshat theatre, school, made fun of, homicide, education, cruelty, bullying, articles, school bullies

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